My name is Gary. I’m a Christian, husband and father of two. Alongside my wonderful wife, we’ve been serving Christ in the Dominican Republic since 2015. I’m on staff with Centers of Church Based Training and serve as an elder in the church network “Red Bendición”. I have a masters in Christian Leadership.
“Seeking Fullness” is inspired by John 10:10 – “I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.” (BSB) I like to write and create content about seeking this fullness that Christ offers us in life, ministry and leadership. I hope that this blog creates value and serves others!
This blog also gives me a fun creative outlet and a new way to grow. It’s something that I’ve wanted to try out for awhile now. The hope is that I won’t be the only contributor on this site, as I plan to include a lot of amazing and experienced people along the way.